
The YOS Education, Training and Employment (ETE) Team work to help children and young people reduce offending and reoffending.  We know that young people engaged in ETE are much less likely to commit crime if they are contributing to their own development, as well as contributing to society in a positive way.


Many young people come to the YOS having had a negative experience of education, which tends to have affected their confidence, motivation and attitude to learning and work. We use our sessions to look beyond offences and help you to identify and build on your strengths and explore your potential. We do this by listening to your experience of education and take into account your hopes and wishes for the future.


What we can do

For young people (10 -16 year olds) who are school age and may be experiencing educational challenges such as: school exclusion (permanent / fixed), attendance issues, bullying (perpetrator / victim) and undiagnosed needs. The local authority has teams who offer support to schools, young people and families around accessing suitable provision for those with the issues identified above. These include School Admissions, E.I.P (Education Inclusion Partnership), EHCT (Education Health Care Team), IASS (Information Advice Support Service) and Virtual School (Support for Looked after children). The role of the YOS ETE staff in these cases is about co-ordinating, and liaising with these teams, to ensure that right resources and provision is in place for you.


For young people who are Post 16+ and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) the aim is to help them find suitable ETE provision.

We assist young people in CV writing, college applications, job and apprenticeship searches and applications, CSCS (Construction industry qualification). We offer careers information, advice and guidance, practice for the driving theory test. We work on their employability skills where necessary.


We have Northampton college tutors working at the YOS office. They can assist young people in achieving accreditation in English and maths that ranges from Entry Level 1 through to Entry Level 3 at YOS and prepare them for Level1. This is 1-1 work. The tutors are able to assist young people in CV writing, college applications, job and apprenticeship searches and applications, CSCS (Construction industry qualification). They can offer careers information, advice and guidance, particularly in relation to college.